Thursday, February 10, 2011

Avid Resource Roundup from CTG/FYI

Here's a round up of the best Avid resources we've seen out there on the web for pro editors and post-production:

A logical place to start is Avid's own site. They have the most authoritative and up to date product info and great user groups.

Avid Community is content-rich with blogs, forums, user groups and a helpful, knowledgeable group of participants. 100% Avid 24/7/365.

A strong clearinghouse for professional level tutorials is Creative Cow. They have over 60 different articles about Avid, and hundreds more on related topics. "High signal/Low noise."

Scott Simmons is based in Nashville, and works on Avid and Apple Final Cut Pro. His blog (the editblog) is a very deep resource, with tons of info. It is hosted on Pro Video Coalition.

Sony has a new blog, also hosted on Pro Video Coalition. It's called livewire, and it's the home of the Sony Tech Guy.

Splice Now is the avid based blog of Steve Cohen, a motion picture editor based in Los Angeles. His site is full of practical tips for real world situations.

Benjamin Hershleder's site is a great blend of the professional and the irreverent. He knows a lot and has super tips and tutorials... and also has a one-of-a-kind humor collection. Benjamin is based in L.A..

Look what some Avid users are able to accomplish here

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